Seasonal Report

We live a farm life. We know every curve and hillside of this ranch. We're attuned to the natural rhythms of the land and all of the creatures we share it with, including those of the humans who work in harmony with the land to grow food for other humans.

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As relayed by Tej and Rocky; the dog team at OGF

Your continued warmth and support humbles us. We have made it our mission to constantly urge our human amigos to produce the very best and expand the offerings for the upcoming Fall season.

The start of Summertime makes quite a stir in the human world. Recently, on a day they called Memorial Day, there were more two-legged folk to descend on our farm than my brother, Rocky and I (Tej) have ever seen here at one time.


Not that we’re complaining: since we aren’t allowed at the farmers markets, we were pretty pleased about having the whole OGF market team come and pay us a visit.


They made a big fuss over all the things we get to see every day – from our fields of flowers and fruit orchards to our vineyard and greenhouses – and we showed them all around like proud peacocks. We heard them say they were so excited about all the new things coming to market this season, like greens mixes, baby spinach and kale, jalapeño peppers and colorful sunflowers. (Rocky and I secretly think we were the highlight of their day, the way they fed us crackers and doted on us.)



There was big excitement in the avocado grove when I came across two huge rattlesnakes – I am fast on my feet, jumping away like a flash, but it caught me in the back leg. Good thing it wasn’t Rocky, he would have taken it right on his big nose!


 I feel a little out of sorts from the whole ordeal, and the humans fussed over me. I just want to get back out there --- we have a lot of produce to grow and send to our team at the markets!


Until next time, Happy Summer


Tej and Rocky